Frequently Asked Questions

  • You can request a refund up to 30 days before Northbound’s start date. After that, refunds are not available however, tickets are transferable.

  • One day of lecture style presentations, one day of workshops. You get to attend every workshop. We have chosen dynamic speakers to keep presentations entertaining as well as educational. A Q & A session will follow each presentation.

  • The goal of Northbound is to share best-practices and philosophies that will improve your business (even if you’re a freelancer), and how to use your one-of-a-kind creative approach to cut through the noisy competition.

  • Northbound is geared towards commercial and/or wedding filmmakers, entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and studio owners who are ready to take the next step and elevate their productions. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned veteran, our lineup will have something for everyone. Regardless of whether you’re a commercial or wedding filmmaker, or even if you’re just doing it out of love, you will leave equipped with the knowledge you need to progress.

  • We have 60 seats available. First come, first served.

  • Yes, absolutely. We’ve seen how much the video community has grown over the last few years and have heard first hand that there’s a desire to network more. Keep in mind that seats are available as first come, first served and we are not able to hold any seats. The only way to reserve your spot is by signing up through the registration link.

  • The speakers for this year’s event will be announced throughout the coming months.

  • This year’s schedule will begin to be announced two months prior to the event date. You can expect something like 9am-5pm.

  • You can bring your camera and a laptop, although it’s not required. The most important thing to have is something to take notes with and business cards. One of the best parts of these workshops is the tremendous networking opportunities.

  • No. If you chose to drive into the city, you are responsible for your own parking.

  • Yes. We’ll have plenty of coffee too.

  • Yes! The rate gives you access to all the presentations.

  • We have already lowered the ticket price as much as possible to ensure everyone who wants to attend can so no further discounts are available.

  • We have a very amazing and dedicated group to support us and only a few volunteer spots are available. If you are interested and feel that you can contribute positively to the event and attendees’ experience, email us at

  • No. The events we’ve set up for conference attendees and presenters are for conference attendees and presenters only.

  • No. We will not be filming any of the presentations and posting them online.

  • You can sign up by clicking below.

  • If you still have questions feel free to hit us up at